Major Requirements for Canadian Minor Study Permit and Parents Visit Visa

To initiate Canadian Minor Study Permit case for international minor students, clients will be required to follow the following major steps:

  • Get in touch with Canadian Educational Consultants and fix an appointment for a one-to-one meeting in the office with the consultant. Walk-in clients are also entertained during office hours.
  • We humbly request all our valued clients to be specific and to the point during the meetings to save time and resources.
  • The consultant will thoroughly guide the client on the process and will try to answer all queries.
  • The consultant will advise all clients to first contact Beacon House International College (BHIC), Mississauga, Ontario, Canada to confirm the status and authenticity of Canadian Educational Consultants and Minor Study Permit Scheme for international students.
  • Once clients are satisfied and decide to prepare the case, Canadian Educational Consultants will sign a Contract specifying the process and terms and conditions. The clients shall also be required to deposit the Canadian Educational Consultants Fee on signing the Contract to register and start preparation of the case.
  • The consultant will thoroughly guide clients on all the documents required by BHIC and Canadian High Commission to be submitted along with the Minor Study Permit and Parents Visit Visa Application.
  • On surety from clients that they possess or can timely arrange all the required valid and original documents, finances, and accurate information, the Canadian Educational Consultants will initiate the admission process of the children in the grade they are eligible for admission in BHIC.
  • After receipt of required documents and transfer of relevant charges directly to the BHIC bank account by the clients, the Canadian Educational Consultants will first, on behalf of the clients, apply to issueย โ€œConditional Offer Letter for Admission from Beacon House International College, Mississauga, Ontario, Canadaโ€. The Conditional Offer Letter shall be valid for TWO Months during which client shall be required to transfer the Annual Tuition Fee and other charges directly to the BHIC bank account.
  • On receipt of relevant charges, BHIC shall issue Acceptance Letter and other documents required by Canadian High Commission to process the Minor Study Permit and Parents Visit Visa
  • Canadian Educational Consultants does not take any payments from parents except their own Consultants Fee. All other payments are directly transferred by parents in the bank account of Beacon House International College, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.
  • In case the Minor Study Permit and Parents Visit Visa is declined by the Canadian High Commission due any reason whatsoever, the Annual Tuition Fee shall be REFUNDED by BHIC after deducting a nominal service charges.
  • Once admission is secured and relevant documents received from BHIC, Canadian Educational Consultants and clients will prepare the Minor Study Permit and Parents Visit Visa case file to be submitted by clients to Canadian High Commission, Pakistan.
  • The Canadian Educational Consultants shall keep close coordination with clients during the case preparation and will try to guide and provide assistance to clients wherever required.
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